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Work with a Partner

Partners are among the top-most experts in CiviCRM, providing insights, customizations and advanced integrations that maximize your organization’s entire technology suite. They are ideal for complex implementations, migrations, and ongoing support.
Partners vary in size, focus areas, technical skill, geographic location, etc. The list below is intended to provide you a short list of potential partners with which to work. We recommend that you explore potential partners in greater detail to ensure they are a good fit for your organization.

Use the filters below to identify ideal partners with which to work. Note that the list below displays partners based on your language preference. To view all partners, select English.

Extra Links: Demo Hosting information Partner website
CiviCRM Agencies are among the largest shops, employing a diverse skill set, offering a complete range of CiviCRM related services, and capable of providing sufficient capacity to handle the needs of the largest and most complex projects. CiviCRM Agencies may be overkill for highly focused projects or for small to medium sized organizations with specific, finite needs or basic implementation. They possess deep understanding of the CiviCRM code base and of the nonprofit space, and are positioned to manage complex migrations, unique integrations and sophisticated environments. CiviCRM Agencies typically have the capacity to manage multiple complex projects concurrently and developed processes to scale capacities when required to meet the needs of any one particular project.
CiviCRM Implementors typically have several staff members and therefore sufficient capacity and expertise required to manage more complex undertakings. They have a broad, though typically not complete, range of skills and are suitable to manage more complex projects as well as projects that require multiple skills concurrently, such as project management, design and system administration. CiviCRM Implementors possess strong knowledge of CiviCRM and of the nonprofit market and are capable of pursuing larger, more complex projects by supplementing gaps in their skills with CiviCRM Professionals or CiviCRM Agencies. CiviCRM Implementors can meet the needs of many different types of projects, including providing ongoing support and training to implementations and customizations.
CiviCRM Professionals are individual consultants or small shops typically with focused skills and offerings, with expertise in a narrower range of areas within CiviCRM and in nonprofit management, and that operate with finite capacity. They may demonstrate proficiency in a range of services, from project management to custom development, but typically not in all services without supplementation from other CiviCRM Professional or CiviCRM Implementors. They offer highly personalized service and are ideal for organizations with a well defined need or for organizations that require ongoing engagement of limited scope, such as monthly support. CiviCRM Professionals often rely on collaboration with other experts to supplement skills and/or capacity necessary for larger projects.

Need some guidance?

Choosing a partner is a great way to ensure a successful implementation of CiviCRM. It’s an important first step. If you have requirements that are not easily matched with the partner details above and need assistance, please use the form below to contact the CiviCRM Core Team.