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Do It Yourself

Want to blaze your own path? We get it! CiviCRM is super flexible and can be managed on a variety of environments. If you’re comfortable installing software on a webserver, then you’ve come to the right place!
Taking the DIY route is ideal for people with some technical skill. If you’ve managed CiviCRM before, jump right to the download. Otherwise, consider learning more about doing it yourself first in order to get started off on the right foot.
You’ll be routed to to download the software. There you will find a ton of community resources as well.
We’re happy to know that you’re going to give CiviCRM a go on your own. Downloading, installing and using CiviCRM is easier than ever, though it pays to consider 3 things before getting started:


With respect to stability, these days you’ll hear two terms float around with some frequency: 1) latest-stable version and 2) Extended Security Release.

Make no mistake, these are both CiviCRM and are used in largely the same way. The main differences are:

  • Latest-stable version is release every month and is available free for download.
  • Latest-stable version contains all the newest features and developments, and sometimes unexpected bugs.
  • Extended Security Release is released every 6 months and requires a paid subscription.
  • Extended Security Release (ESR) is, generally speaking, more stable because it receives fewer updates and fewer new feature introductions.
For most, the Latest-stable Version of CiviCRM is the default to use. If you’re a first time user, we’re recommend going this route.


CiviCRM ships will all sorts of integration capabilities, but the big ones are those that connect the system natively with an open source CRM, such as:
Logo for Backdrop


Logo for Drupal


Logo for WordPress


Logo for Joomla!


Depending on your needs and expectations, you may want to explore integration with a website CMS. Doing so can help you create powerful online user experiences, like member portals, dynamic content, and more.

On the other hand, if you don’t need a CMS, using CiviCRM (standalone) will allow you to avoid the technical costs of managing a website CMS.

You don’t need a CMS!

CiviCRM can also be used by itself without any of the above integrations. We call this “CiviCRM Standalone”. It can be used with your current website or entirely without one.

CiviCRM Core Team project manager takes a crack at installing the standalone version of CiviCRM. No CMS required!


CiviCRM has come a long way since 2005, but then so has most of the internet! Still, like most CRM platforms, CiviCRM is a complex, resource-intensive application.

Because of this, it simply may not be suitable for many budget hosts.

Ok, scary red alert aside, several CiviCRM partners also serve as expert hosts. Not only do they have experience in managing a suitable environment for CiviCRM, they are, well, experts at supporting it.
Supporting CiviCRM since 2013
enCircle Solutions Ltd.
Supporting CiviCRM since 2017
Supporting CiviCRM since 2017
Agileware Pty Ltd
Supporting CiviCRM since 2024
Supporting CiviCRM since 2024
PeaceWorks Technology Solutions
Supporting CiviCRM since 2024

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