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Street recruitment next level with CiviCRM

Street recruitment has been an important source of income for Amnesty International Vlaanderen for a number of years. We have been using CiviCRM for more than 10 years to record all of our donors, activists, petition signers and other contacts.

In the last year we have, in cooperation with CiviCooP, developed an importer CiviCRM extension for Street Recruitment that allow us to quickly add new agencies, collect the data they collect on the streets and automatically record their data and donations (recurring and one-off) in CiviCRM.

The extension technically allows us to pull data from the agencies we use and uses a Form Processor to process the incoming data into contacts, activities, SEPA mandates (recurring donations), newsletter subscriptions and group memberships.

If you would like to know more you can contact Erik Hommel at CiviCooP ( – erik dot hommel at civicoop dot org).

Logo for the Amnesty International organization

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Provided By: CiviCooP

CiviCooP is a Dutch ‘coöperatie’, meaning it is a co-operative organization. The members are experienced CiviCRM boys and girls who work together on a project to project basis. Together we can cover a complete range of CiviCRM services for our customers. We like to work together with our customers to support them in having an impact on the world. Our main focus is in The Netherlands and Flanders, but we do have customers in other parts of Europe too.

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