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SSA Streamlines Membership Process With Caldera Forms CiviCRM

Working with Andrei Mondoc, developer of Caldera Forms CiviCRM (CFC), Tadpole helped SSA streamline their membership application process and improve the presentation of the application. The solution leverages Caldera’s conditional logic capabilities plus three new CFC processors: Membership, Line Item, and Order.

  • Background

    SSA wanted to improve its membership application process. Because they have multiple Membership Types (each of which includes multiple subscription options), the native CiviCRM forms were cluttered with options and confusing to the user. They also wanted to maintain a history of a contact’s membership records rather than letting CiviCRM update the existing membership record on renewal.

  • Challenges

    With multiple Membership Types and subscription options (which are used to control access to gated content on SSA’s website and external Academic Journals), using native CiviCRM membership forms proved cumbersome. During the previous year’s membership drive, no CFC processors yet existed that would allow for mapping Caldera Form fields to CiviCRM Price Sets.

  • Solution

    SSA uses CiviCRM for all aspects of its operations: Contact Management, Events, Contributions, Mailings, etc., and was invested in improving the front-facing presentation and collection of CiviCRM data.

  • Functionality
    • SSA’s new membership forms leverage Caldera Form’s conditional logic to present a streamlined and logical flow of options for the user.
    • CFC allows the form fields to be mapped to the proper CiviCRM tables using the new Membership, Line Items, and Order processors.


Logo for the SSA Organization

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Provided By: Tadpole Collective

Our founding members met at the WordPress NYC MeetUp in 2011 and a year later came together to form Tadpole Collective. We recognize the value of open-source software and the communities that form around it; we owe our existence and livelihoods to WordPress and are deeply committed to the CiviCRM for WordPress project.

We’ve been working with CiviCRM since its earliest integration with WordPress, contributing our efforts to multiple CiviCRM teams on enhancements, extensions, bug fixes and upgrades — and taking the lead on testing all new CiviCRM release candidates to ensure ongoing compatibility with WordPress. While there are many web shops that are competent with CiviCRM for WordPress, we work exclusively with WordPress, the internet’s most popular CMS. Tadpole members also organize CiviDay activities in New York City to provide a forum for local CiviCRM users to come together for educational presentations and collaborative work sessions

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