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All data from the Refugee Walk automatically processed into CiviCRM

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen have been using CiviCRM for more than 10 years to manage their donors and donations, events, contacts and process bank files. Every year they organize the Refugee Walk, a fundraising event where participants walk and recruit sponsors. Up to 2023 Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen downloaded teams, sponsors, participants and donations manually from the Refugee Walk webapp, transformed the resulting CSV files and manually imported them into CiviCRM. A lot of work.
Together with CiviCooP they developed a connector in 2023 that automatically pulls data from the Refugee Walk webapp and processes that into CiviCRM contacts, contributions, events, participants and activities. This saves a lot of time, makes sure the relevant data is available quickly and makes follow up communication a lot easier.


Logo for the Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen Organization

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Provided By: CiviCooP

CiviCooP is a Dutch ‘coöperatie’, meaning it is a co-operative organization. The members are experienced CiviCRM boys and girls who work together on a project to project basis. Together we can cover a complete range of CiviCRM services for our customers. We like to work together with our customers to support them in having an impact on the world. Our main focus is in The Netherlands and Flanders, but we do have customers in other parts of Europe too.