Author: josh
2025 Annual Nonprofit CRM Review Roundup
This post was produced by the CiviCRM Marketing Team and is intentionally a bit punchy. We poke fun at CiviCRM’s competitors because we find their marketing to often be incomplete and disingenuous.
Special thanks to our post editors:
TL;DR? Here’s a quick summary…
Illustration by Fast Studio on Unsplash
It’s that time of year again when the marketing teams of some of the industry’s most prolific software development companies sharpen their pencils, perform their keyword research, and produce highly-optimized, often AI-generated content that is intended to maintain their search rankings and convince you that their CRM software delivers where all others crash and burn.
Their approach is formulaic, generic, and basically the same as all of their competitors.
The “Best” Lists: A Pattern You Can Predict
Their CRM is always the the #1 CRM for nonprofits. (Because, of course, their marketing budgets say so.) This is just downright disingenuous from the start.
The few that mention CiviCRM focus almost exclusively on cost, as if “free” is all we bring to the table. They almost always fail to mention CiviCRM’s powerful fundraising tools.
They are all long form content that use SEO tactics designed to generate impressions and clicks that ultimately are intended to get you to subscribe. Despite this, most lack a real overview or comparison of features.
Even for-profit CRMs are elbowing their way into the nonprofit space because, hey, why let a pesky thing like mission-driven work get in the way of profits?
We get it. They’re businesses and they need to push their own products. But it’s time to stop monkeying around and set the record straight.
CRM Software: Getting Real
Expect ComplexityDon’t get sold on any CRM being easy. Those that are, legitimately, probably lack the functionality many organizations need to adapt to dynamic market conditions and often just focus on a single feature like donations and donor management. Most nonprofit organizations that we speak to are more complex than that and need volunteer management, social impact reporting, an email newsletter platform, automations, advanced reporting to key stakeholders and much more. In short they want everything under the sun, for nothing, yesterday. If it’s that easy, everybody would be doing it.
Garbage In, Garbage OutThis one goes without saying, except few actually listen to it. You push in bad data: you get bad data back out. It really is that simple. Your CRM software is just one part of your overall system. If you put bad data into your CRM, into any CRM, probably your software isn’t going to work how you want or need. But that’s not the software’s fault.
There’s No Such Thing as a Free LunchSorry, but even CiviCRM, the only real open source CRM for nonprofits, is going to cost you something. Whether it’s a few bucks for hosting or a bunch of time configuring the system, you’re gonna pay. Like momma said, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”
Learning to FlyCRMs are complex, as are your operational objectives (in all likelihood). You’re going to have to spend time in the system, learning its ins and outs, and understanding how to adapt it to your organization. If you log in once a month, you’re not going to thrive. If you work it consistently, you’ll come to understand how to leverage your CRM effectively. Whether or not you grow to love it is a different story.
Get Ready for ChangeAnd, well, even if you do learn your CRM, odds are really good that you’re going to get some new executive director or development director that used [enter CRM name here] back in the day and they’re going to want to switch everything around “because it’s better”. Moral of this story? Don’t get attached to your CRM software. You’re one executive director or board member away from tossing it out for the latest shiny new AI-powered CRM that has literally already raised your money for you.
You Will Never Get Fired for Choosing Salesforce
And last but not least, if you’re an Executive Director reading this, rest assured that you can’t go wrong with Salesforce. Is it going to work for your organization? Maybe. Maybe not. Is it going to be free? See “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” above. Are you going to get fired for probably what is an ill-informed decision? Noooooo. It’s Salesforce for crying outloud! Everybody has heard of it. It’s the absolute safest choice you can make, even if it utterly fails to deliver for your organization.
Roundup: Review the Reviews
Aaaaaah, Mailchimp… gotta love ’em
Test -
Look, CharityEngine updated their “best of” page…
14 of the Best Nonprofit CRMs: Updated for 2025
Ouch, somebody needs to blow off the dust on this one. They updated the year from “2024” to “2025”, but that’s about it. Ok, let’s be fair… they inserted a table of contents.
Bloomerang + Kindful = Something New?
15 Best Nonprofit CRMs for 2025: Compare the Top Solutions
Ok, they’re not even trying here. Compare the best of for 2025 vs. 2024. They literally just changed the date. Looking forward to 2026.
Back to Bloomerang…
Nonprofit CRM Software: Explore 20+ Solutions for 2025
We got a mention. Wooot! And not bad either. We won’t poke too much fun at this one, though we will take a moment to clarify a few points the article makes, specifically:
Beaten by Excel, Again?!
Here Are the 5 Best CRMs for Small Nonprofits in 2025
Thanks for that, NEON. That stings a little, though.
Ok, they made a few design changes, so they get higher marks than their competitors. But listing “Excel or Google Sheets” in 5th place on “The 5 Best CRMs for Nonprofits in 2025” is head-scratchingly strange given that neither Excel nor Google Sheets are anywhere close to being a CRM.
In fact, most organizations that are looking for a CRM are already using spreadsheets and are looking for something, well, more.
And to think that Excel or Google Sheets is recommended over CiviCRM, what with all its features specifically geared towards nonprofits is, well… it just hurts.
Ok, moving on…
Honorable Mention: Thank Goodness It’s… Monday (TGIM?)
Ok, we’re going to stop here because we’re starting to sound a little petty. While we’ve poked fun at a few of these high-ranking “Best CRM for Nonprofits” articles, there are quite a few out there, some of which actually provide insightful information.
Most, however, are just spammy self-serving marketing pieces. Not only are these articles all mostly the same in what they’re telling you, they’re equally the same in what they’re not telling you.
What They Don’t Want You to Know
Free Doesn’t Mean Inferior
Full disclosure, at least one of the authors of this post holds an MBA.
Those articles that mention CiviCRM do so often with a backhanded compliment about its price tag—”If cost is a concern, check out CiviCRM.” Sure, it’s free. But that’s because it’s open-source, not because it lacks power. CiviCRM is developed and improved by a global community of charities and nonprofit professionals who actually use it. Our development environment is the real world, not some whiteboard in a corporate office with MBA’s busy calculating the impact on shareholder wealth of some new feature or monetization scheme. -
You’re Not Locked Into a Vendor’s VisionUnlike proprietary CRMs, which dictate updates, pricing, and features on their schedule (and their shareholders’ priorities), CiviCRM is community-driven. Need a specific feature? You don’t have to wait until the next version (or until the price is right). You can build it or tap into a global network of contributors who can help.
Total Data ControlOther CRMs claim to offer security and flexibility, but let’s be real about that; your data is living in their ecosystem, often with restrictions on how you can use, export, or integrate it. With CiviCRM, you own your data and your system. No hidden fees. No forced upgrades. No locked-in contracts. It is yours. That is freedom!
CRM Isn’t Just for FundraisingMany nonprofit CRM reviews focus on donor management and fundraising alone. While that’s crucial, your nonprofit’s relationships go beyond donors and include volunteers, advocates, beneficiaries, staff, members and more. CiviCRM is built to manage all of those connections without needing separate systems. It is a comprehensive, secure platform that empowers organizations seeking to make strategic use of technology.
The Top 5 CRMs you should consider for 2025
The one you’re usingThere are many good reasons to switch CRMs, and there are probably an equal (or greater) number of reasons not to. One of the biggest mistakes to make is switch because you or your staff didn’t use it enough or lack sufficient staff buy-in. Whatever the reason, it’s worth taking a good hard look at what the real issues are. It may be that there’s no good technical or functional reason to switch.
The one that aligns with your operational objectives and your organization’s ethosLet’s face it, when we use software, we’re using more than just features and functionality. We’re using the companies that built it. We’re supporting their actions (or in-actions). We are subject to their seemingly-ever-changing terms and conditions. And we’re subject to their acquisitions, mergers, implosions and leadership changes. Open source is more relevant today than ever because it largely bypasses all of this drama and puts you in complete control. You own your system and your data.
One of the ones in the above articlesMany of the CRMs in the articles above might work for you, truly. The feature reviews are not particularly complete, so you need to do your homework on which is likely the best fit and why. But, if nothing else, these articles have done a bit of homework for you and can at the very least point out some of your options.
One that isn’t listed in any of the above articlesThere are literally a ton of CRMs out there. In fact, it seems like a new one pops up each week. Many don’t get even an honorable mention in the “best CRM for nonprofit” reviews that actually rank, but that doesn’t mean that they may not fit your needs. Likewise, consider that maybe you don’t need a full on CRM. Maybe a niche application that, for example, manages events or mailings or basic donations is all you need. There are literally thousands of these!
SalesforceOk, we had to say it again. When your search fails, you can always go with Salesforce. It’s almost certain that you will overpay and quite probable that it will not be a good fit for your organization, but you will get to keep your job.
The Bottom Line
No CRM software is perfect. And some are more well-known than others. CiviCRM requires some technical know-how and works best when integrated with an open-source CMS like Drupal, Backdrop, Joomla, or WordPress (you can use it without a CMS, just in case you were wondering). But that’s the beauty of it; flexibility without limitations.
And unlike the CRMs that “recommend” their own solution, we’re not pretending CiviCRM is the best choice for everyone. If your nonprofit wants to stay in a closed, proprietary ecosystem, we’re not the right fit. But if you want a CRM that’s truly built for nonprofits, by nonprofits, CiviCRM is worth a look.
Remember, the next time you see a “Best CRM for Nonprofits” list, read between the lines. These rankings are marketing tools, not objective reviews.
CiviCRM isn’t just a budget-friendly option; it’s a powerful, community-driven CRM built specifically for organizations like yours. No shareholders. No hidden costs. Just a nonprofit CRM that puts mission first.
And if that makes us the best-kept secret in CRM land, so be it. For now.