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Stunning website with an emphasis on member promotion

The Sustainable Furnishings Council is an educational and marketing organization, promoting healthy environments, inside and outside.  The council promotes sustainable practices among furniture manufacturers, retailers, and consumers alike.
As we’re seeing with many of our member driven clients, the Sustainable Furnishings Council wanted to create a visually stunning, mobile friendly website emphasizing member promotion as a way to add exposure and value to their members.    Member promotion drives value because the organization’s website often has relatively high traffic compared to an individual member website and thus acts as an important referral source.  To do this effectively,  choosing the right combination of Website tool (CMS) and backend database (CMS/AMS) is essential.  Almost always, the CiviCRM/Drupal combination is an excellent tool set choice because of their powerful integration.
CiviCRM has strong integration with WordPress and Joomla!, but the Drupal integration is particularly strong because of the deep integration with Drupal Views, webforms, roles, and permissions. (Click here to read more)
For the Sustainable Furnishings Council, Views integration was extensively utilized.  All of the elements in the membership search, search results, and member detail pages including name, description, logo, are member level are stored in CiviCRM.    With all of the data stored only in CiviCRM, The Council’s staff can utilize this data in CiviCRM to create groups, send mass emails, and manage their organization without having to worry about doing any double entry of data in a separate member directory or use a process to move the data to website.

For more informtion please contact:

Paul Keogan
Principal and Founder of BackOffice Thinking

Logo for the Sustainable Furnishing Council organization

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Provided By: BackOffice Thinking

BackOffice Thinking was founded in 2006, and has helped hundreds of nonprofits increase their impact by making better use of technology. We provide CiviCRM services along with website design, content strategy, support, and technology assessments, among other services. Our deep understanding of nonprofit operations allows us to identify core challenges and opportunities, and lets us create solutions that align with our clients’ mission, goals, and staff capacity. Organizations come to see us as their trusted partner for the long-term. We thrive with the success of our repeat customers and their enthusiastic recommendations.

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